Akashi Karawang

10 Apr 2023

Akashi Karawang


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The Akashi production plant in Karawang is one of the latest examples of technological and design advancements in the manufacturing industry. This building was designed very carefully, prioritizing the use of layered steel throughout its entire structure. This decision was made with the primary goal of achieving excellence in efficiency, safety, and building durability.


One interesting aspect of this factory is the use of layered steel throughout the facility, from the roof to the walls. This is a progressive step in maximizing the potential of this strong and durable material. Layered steel is known for its resistance to corrosion and heavy loads, making the plant capable of withstanding various extreme weather conditions and high production demands.


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The appearance of this production factory is dominated by the Off White steel color from COLORBOND®. This color choice gives the building a simple, and sterility to the building which is a plus in an industry that must meet strict hygiene standards. Apart from that, this color also gives a modern and elegant appearance. Furthermore, this color also provides a modern and elegant look.


In addition to aesthetic aspects, the use of layered steel and the color choice also have a positive impact on the energy efficiency of the building. The steel coating effectively insulates heat, thereby reducing the need for interior cooling and heating.


The Akashi production factory in Karawang is a tangible example of how innovative design and the intelligent use of materials can result in a strong, efficient, and aesthetic building. This also reflects Akashi's commitment to sustainability and excellence in the manufacturing industry.