HMP Architect Studio

05 Jul 2024

HMP Architect Studio


HMP Architect successfully transformed a residential house into an architectural studio with a modern building design. The use of COLORBOND® in this project adds an aesthetic touch, making the building look more attractive and elegant.


The range of colors offered by COLORBOND® gives architects the freedom to express their creativity. Various finishes, such as matte, add an elegant touch that enriches the overall aesthetics of the building design.


Warna Elegan Atap COLORBOND® Mintsea Green.jpg


In addition to aesthetic value, COLORBOND® material also provides high comfort and functionality. Its ability to reduce heat creates a cool and pleasant atmosphere, making the workspace comfortable for the HMP Architect team and clients.


This renovation demonstrates how COLORBOND® not only enhances the visual appearance of a building but also improves the quality of the work environment. This material helps create efficient and comfortable spaces, in line with the needs of modern architecture.


HMP Architect has proven that with the use of innovative materials like COLORBOND®, building transformations can achieve a balance between aesthetics and functionality, resulting in spaces that are not only beautiful but also meet requirements.


Kreativitas Renovasi Studio HMP Architect.jpg


HMP Architect has proven that with the use of innovative materials like COLORBOND®, building transformations can achieve a balance between aesthetics and functionality, resulting in spaces that are not only beautiful but also meet requirements.


If you are curious about how HMP Architect managed to turn a residential house into a studio, watch the full story in “Bedah Rumah Tinggal Menjadi Studio Arsitek, Simak Inspirasi Arsitektur Dari Studio HMP Architect!”